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Distance Measurements for Vehicles without Ultrasonic Sensors – Tesla Vision Park Assist

With the launch of Tesla Vision Park Assist, Tesla has made a substantial advancement in its dedication to vision-based technologies. With this new function, Tesla vehicles lacking ultrasonic sensors can once again use Park Assist distance estimations (USS).

As part of the transition to their camera-based Autopilot system, Tesla Vision, in October 2022, Tesla eliminated USS from the Model 3, Model Y, and eventually, the Model S and Model X. Owners of automobiles without USN had to estimate their distance to neighbouring objects while parking because the associated software to assess ranges to nearby objects wasn’t yet ready.

The Most Recent Update Expands Even Further

With the release of software version 2022.45.11, which contains the most recent FSD Beta v11.3.2, the search for a solution is now done. The addition of Tesla Vision Park Assist for vehicles lacking USS has been confirmed by well-known Tesla hacker @greentheonly.

Upgrades to Ultrasonic Sensors

Although it is anticipated that Tesla’s vision-based method won’t initially be as accurate as using ultrasonic sensors, it does provide one advance over the hardware-based technique.

The vision-based Park Assist system provides 360° coverage around the vehicle by detecting items on the sides where there is no USS and measuring distances to objects in front and back of the car.
It’s unclear if Tesla intends to update future vehicles with ultrasonic sensors on the sides to include vision-based object detection.

The current release is only available for vehicles testing FSD Beta without USS, although USS-equipped vehicles can still use their sensors. Tesla Vision Park Assist is a good example of how far the company has come in developing vision-based parking assistance technology, even though it might be a while for the feature to be implemented fleet-wide.

Who Is Getting It?

According to @greentheonly, only consumers in the United States and Canada who have acquired FSD and applied for admission to the FSD Beta programme are presently able to use the new Park Assist feature. Moreover, only the Model 3 and Model Y are supported right now.

According to the Park Assist in 2022.45.11 release notes:

With Tesla Vision Park Assist, nearby objects are seen and acoustically alerted. This function predicts high-definition outlines of objects 360 degrees around the car using the occupancy network.

Tesla Vision Park Assist is a guiding tool only; it cannot take the place of a driver who is paying attention. Please pay attention and move clear of impediments as needed.

Last year, some capabilities, including Summon, Smart Summon, Autopark, and Park Assist, were briefly limited or disabled as a result of Tesla switching to a vision-only method. The simplest to use was Park Assist, which warns motorists of surrounding objects when moving at less than five miles per hour. It is anticipated that Autopark, Summon, and Smart Summon will soon be made available for Teslas without ultrasonic sensors when Tesla released Park Assist for vision-only vehicles.

Tesla owners sans ultrasonic sensors can now benefit from better parking assistance, which makes it simpler and safer to manoeuvre around confined parking spaces. Tesla shows its commitment to improving its vision-based technology to the benefit of its customers by rolling out and improving the functionality.

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