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Leak: Camera Heaters and Fans Will Be Included in Tesla Hardware 4.0

Tesla Hardware 4.0

New details about Tesla’s new cameras, which will be used in Hardware 4.0. Three images that appear to be camera configurations were shared on Twitter by @ChrisZheng001, a user who is connected to the China supply chain for Tesla. Even though the image contains very little information, there is enough text to learn what Tesla might be working on.

Three Cameras to Two

The three cameras that make up the Autopilot system’s forward-facing view are perhaps the most significant modification. It would appear from the translation that Tesla will upgrade all cameras, including the interior camera, to “AP4” models and reduce the number of front-facing cameras from three to two. In addition to other enhancements like LED flicker mitigation. It is anticipated that the more recent cameras will have a much higher resolution.

In the post, @ChrisZheng001 only provided the following information: Due to the significant increase in pixel density and field of view, the Autopilot HW 4.0 front camera will only have two Cz.

The production of 5-megapixel cameras by a Tesla supplier was made public in November 2022. There are currently 1.2-megapixel cameras. Therefore, Tesla Vision will improve even as the number of cameras is decreased.

Fans for Forward-Facing Cameras

That brings us to the subsequent change. The contents of the housing do not appear to alter the housing’s size. Using Google Translate once more, it says in the document, a camera fan has been added or changed to the shape of the black border near the front camera.

That implies that the new housing will likely have a fan to prevent condensation buildup. However, it appears to be open to change and provides a window for additional evaluation and feedback.

B-Pillar Changes

One more image is here. This is the text: exterior trim for the B-pillar. The camera on the exterior panel of the B-pillar was changed, as was the shape of the opening, and a new camera heating device was added. Station of inspection, the final inspection of exterior decorations and appearance. Following feedback from the project, the heating function will be evaluated.

There isn’t much there to figure out. Tesla appears to be altering the shape of the opening and adding a heating element to keep the cameras in the B-pillar clear. This could be because of how big the new cameras are or how wide of a field of view they need.

A brand-new high-resolution radar unit is widely rumored to be in the works. The combination of that radar and these powerful cameras indicates that Tesla’s already exceptional Autopilot system will only get better.

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