A Tesla that fell from a 76-meter-high cliff in California, USA, miraculously saved four lives

A Tesla was reported to have crashed into a cliff on the Pacific Coast Highway in Northern California. The survival of four people, including two children, was also considered a miracle by rescuers.

According to reports, the location of the accident is referred to as the “devil landslide,” and almost no one survived previous collisions there.

Witnesses saw the Tesla car falling off the cliff on January 2 morning and called the police, according to reports; The firefighters were lowered off the cliff by a rope system that was set up on the highway when rescuers arrived.

Four people were found inside the accident vehicle, including two adults, a 4-year-old, and a 9-year-old child, after the door was broken and the vehicle was completely damaged when it was hit by the cliff. Keep awake.


The children were rescued from the car through the back window, tied to ropes, and carried back to the cliff using rescue baskets. The traumatized adults had to be carried over the cliff by helicopter by rescuers.

The legion head of the Cal Local group of firefighters said that this is an outright wonder. In the past, a lot of cars fell off this cliff, but almost none of them made it out alive. In addition, the car involved in this accident flipped several times before landing, and its occupants overcame all expectations to survive.

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