Is it safe to buy Tesla car ( Tesla changes its safety-Seat Belt System Based On Vision)

Recently a Tesla car accident news caught fire which raised a question mark on the safety of the Tesla car. Actually, the whole incident took place when a Taiwan actor was driving his son, and suddenly Tesla crashed into a signpost in Taoyuan’s Luzhu District and the car was identified as Tesla Model X. The reason for the accident was focused on Autopilot mode. Not even this there are so many cases when Tesla faced failure in case of safety. But Tesla always steps back from the claiming accusation and states that we are making a machine but how to command a machine is up to the user which means we are making cars with the full facility but the car owners should be aware of the functions of the car and should know that which function will work in which ways and how.

But recently the news comes out that Tesla has started focusing on safety Changement. This time in all the upcoming cars they will upgrade the safety level which is quite an important thing in every car. So let me inform you which safety system Musk has expanded. So on July 20.2022, Tesla updated its safety enhancement company and introduced a Seat Belt System Enhancement. Musk has mentioned the update and its importance to the auto industry.

Mr. Musk has intell about the feature and said that our safety team will also introduce the new feature in which if the vision system detects any imminent occasion when things or people collide so the tension seat belt will come under the command and start their work automatically. Musk has described the program which will be a predictive program and active vision-based seat belt tensioning program if the function fund something like a crash.

According to a report, this seatbelt integration will be the most effective technology in the history of safety technology and automobile functions. In short, it will only provide tension when there is any impact from the crash. But on the other hand, Musk has advised that there should be a camera system also who made this more effective and safer. According to this point of view of Musk,’ the tension seatbelt will alert if there will any collision but if we have the vision of the collision so the accident or crash could be stopped before its actually happen.

According to the Q2 document, there will be a chart that displays the performance of the seatbelt tension performance in three different scenarios, belted, belted with a pre-tensioner, and belted with the vision system. The vision system is like a mirror that declares the closest and shaves milliseconds to better restrain the occupation.

Now Tesla will also be able to give a fundamental safety advantage offer. AS Mr. Musk said that this safety will provide various fundamental advantages offered by Tesla. Taking about the extra feature of safety so there is also an over-the-air update, so this is something that will be in place in all cars that have at least AP3 hardware even this the company enhances its outstanding safety features such as you can adjust the airbag deployment faster and it provides a pretension to the seat belt.

According to the report of the company this updated Seat Belt System Enhancement is available in all new models of tesla such as Model S and Model X, all Model Ys, and newer Model 3s as well as in current models.

Well, here we must say that this time tesla is the safest the most vehicle on earth. But due to some incidents now tesla became more aware of the safety of its vehicles. In a statement, Tesla admire their safety team and said that the Model S, Model X and Model 3 scored the lowest overall probability of injury of any vehicle ever tested by the U.S. government’s New Car Assessment Program. NHTSA is a safety rating site that has rated 5 stars to their safety allotment even the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) has given Teslas the top safety pick numerous times. Recently Model 3 has also been included in the top safety pick of 2022, IIHS has tested all the categories of the car marking it 5 stars for safety purposes including superior scores for front crash prevention.

I hope these safety changes will help to reduce the risk of accidents and help to draw a great image of Tesla in front of the tesla owners
yet another trailblazing moment for the automotive industry will surely draw more kudos and, hopefully, save more lives. So that’s all in this article today if there will any updates and any news to inform you so I will try to provide you the stuff in the best way. Till then stay safe and drive safe. We will be back with the latest update on the Tesla.

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